Guest Post by Denise Rushing

Have you thought about investing in solar energy? Perhaps you want to consider solar but just haven’t had the time to sort out your options. Or perhaps you began looking into solar only to face confusing choices and unanswered questions.

You are not alone. Some homes are perfectly suited for solar energy and yet the homeowner hasn’t yet made the switch. Up until now, homeowners felt okay waiting… for “better technology” or “lower prices”, or simply avoided thinking about it at all. But now, with solar panels appearing on one neighbor’s home after another, with neighbors bragging about saving energy and money, and with rumors about the phasing out of tax credits and incentives, they (and you) might wonder: is it too late?

You can stop worrying today… it is not too late to go solar and it is easier than you might think. In this book, award-winning renewable energy expert Denise Rushing shows you how to say goodbye to ever-increasing utility power costs… and go solar with confidence!

This book is a good fit for you if…
• You wonder if you should make the switch to solar energy;
• You definitely don’t want to create complexity, headaches or hassle for you or your family;
• You worry that solar incentives are gone, that the advantageous utility solar rates are in the past and wonder if solar is still worth it economically;
• You want to save money on your electricity bill and add thousands of dollars in value to your home and wonder if solar can help you do that;
• You want to do what is right for the environment, but worry about making the wrong choice;
• You wonder if solar energy is right for your situation;
• You want to know how to go solar with ease and confidence.
Today, switching from expensive, dirty, utility power to clean, renewable, solar energy is easier and more economical than ever before. Go Solar With Confidence takes you step-by-step through the process and shows you how to say goodbye to ever-increasing utility power costs and buy a solar energy system that is right for you.

Go Solar With Confidence is a clear and practical guide to:
•Learn how you can save money on your electricity bill and add thousands of dollars in value to your home;
•Determine if your home qualifies for solar;
•Discover the most important things you need to know about solar systems before you buy so that you can go in with the best knowledge possible;
•Understand what you need to expertly interview any prospective solar provider.
•Empower you to take the first step towards going solar so that you won’t have to worry about electric bills going up ever again!

Imagine running your home, and maybe even your automobile, on clean, renewable electricity generated from sunshine. You can gain the confidence and information you need to take the first (and the next) step toward solar energy for your home. Visit: to learn more.

A solar building at the Earthship Community, outside Taos, New Mexico. Photo by Shel Horowitz
A solar building at the Earthship Community, outside Taos, New Mexico. Photo by Shel Horowitz