Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World
“Like all of the best Guerrilla Marketing books, this one is powerful, direct and simple. Unlike the other ones, this book also heals our communities, fortifies the planet and helps you build an enterprise for the long haul. Just in time.” —Seth Godin
#3 on this list of Top Content Marketing Books of the Year! Also on Morgan James’ list of Best Books of the Year.

Wouldn’t it be cool if the market rewarded companies that were solving the world’s business problems? Here’s some great news: it does!
Companies who understand what they bring to the table when they address issues like hunger, poverty, racism, othering, war, and the environment lower costs and boost revenue–and profit.
You’ve probably even done a lot of the work. You might even have a Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) plan and a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) report gathering virtual dust in a hard drive somewhere. The first step might be to turn those into marketing assets as you implement them.
The next step is to go deep enough to make a bigger difference.
But companies who don’t understand not only leave money on the table, they turn a potential asset into an expensive liability.
But YOU won’t make that mistake, because you will have a roadmap! Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World is written in a conversational tone for comfortable reading, with an emphasis on how you can take action. It uses examples from all sizes: Fortune 100, small but well-known, under-the-radar firms, and solopreneurs (Shel himself has been a solopreneur since 1981).
Oh, and instead of getting bogged down in guilt, shame, or accusations of greenwashing, you’ll be showing stakeholders–maybe even your Board of Directors–how your social and environmental initiatives lead to higher profit, better employee motivation and retention, and customers so excited that they sing your praises to their friends. What a return on investment of a mere $24.95 plus shipping (and tax, if applicable) for the paperback, or just $19.95 with no shipping cost for the PDF ebook. Autographed copies and custom, branded editions available, too.
To download a Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World sampler including several excerpts, the full Table of Contents and Index, and the endorsements by Jack Canfield, Seth Godin, and 20 other business and environmental leaders, please click the left button (upper button on a mobile with the buttons stacked) just below this paragraph. If you’re ready to buy, use the button on the right (the lower one if the buttons are stacked).
P.S. Want to make more progress, faster? Shel Horowitz of Going Beyond Sustainability also offers consulting to help you maximize the impact of both steps.
Imagine your business making a big impact solving problems like hunger, poverty, war, violence, and catastrophic climate change while making a healthy profit. Imagine turning your former attackers into your allies in crafting change. Guess what: you don’t have to just imagine; you can make it real.
Forget all those negative voices nattering at you because you have the audacity to run a profitable business. Forget all those doom-and-gloomers who yell and shriek that the world will end on Thursday if you don’t drop what you’re doing and put all your energy into the latest crisis. Because you can make a difference…on your own terms.
Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World is the perfect book for your friends and family members who are business owners or marketers interested in altruistic goals. It combines the skills of two noted multi-title authors and marketers…Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World is a thoughtful book for those who strive for a balance between their self-interests and the best interests of generations to follow.
Get Your Copy Today!
Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World was published by Morgan James and is available through your favorite in-store or online bookseller—or click here to get a personalized, inscribed, and autographed copy directly from primary author Shel Horowitz.
Transform the World—AND Your Business!
Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World shows dozens of practical examples of successful companies doing well by doing good—from solopreneurs to Fortune 100 global corporations. You’ll discover dozens of ways business can heal the world—and gain the practical marketing savvy to turn your values into business success. Learn how to…

Create projects (and products) that accomplish social transformation, profitability, and cost reduction all at once
Green your company in ways that save money and make money
Gain enormous positive reputation as a visionary company worth supporting: your own employees recruit new qualified hires, while your customers turn into fans, and then even become your unpaid sales force
Turn marketing from a cost to a revenue stream
Expand successfully into totally new markets through strategic thinking, powerful partnerships, and commitment to core principles
Embrace abundance and transformation—and stop worrying about market share
The examples include not just well-known socially conscious companies like Ben & Jerry’s and Patagonia, but also wildly successful corporate giants who are also profiting by doing good in the world, including General Electric, Toyota, Unilever, Marks and Spencer, and many others.
Meet These “Practical Visionaries”
You’ll meet “practical visionaries” Such as:

Darin Kingston
Darin's company, d.light, markets profitable solar-powered LED lanterns that simultaneously address poverty, education, air pollution/toxic fumes/health risks, energy savings, carbon footprint, and more.

Van Jones
At the forefront of showing the economic and health benefits of green practices to communities of color, Van Jones has been active in numerous causes. You may have seen him hosting a show on CNN or remember him as the "green energy czar" in the Obama White House forced out by right-wing zealots. He co-founded many major social change initiatives, including Ella Baker Center for Human Rights,,, Rebuild The Dream and the Dream Corps. Currently, he's CEO of the REFORM Alliance, which aims to transform the criminal justice system.

Dean Cycon
His coffee brand, Dean's Beans, has not only exclusively sold organic fairly traded gourmet coffee and cocoa beans since its founding in 1993, but has funded dozens of village-led community development projects in the lands where he sources his beans.

Janine Benyus
A biomimicry pioneer who finds models in the natural world for everything from extracting water from fog (as a certain African desert beetle does) to construction materials (spider silk) to designing flood-resistant buildings by studying anthills in India’s monsoon climate, she shows what's possible when you invite the planet to join your design team.

Amory Lovins
Founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, a super-green think tank, he built near-net-zero-energy luxury home back in 1983, and has developed a scientific, economically viable plan to get the entire economy off oil, coal, and nuclear and onto renewables—while keeping and even improving our high standard of living.
Four Famous Contributing Writers
The book also includes extended success stories from Cynthia Kersey, author of Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women (on starting a movement around children’s education in Africa)…Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a Small Planet and many other books (on the interrelated causes of food and democracy), Ken McArthur, author of The Impact Factor (on the tremendous impact each of us can have on fixing the world), and Internet marketer Yanik Silver, author of Evolved Enterprise, (outlining 11 different profitable ways that business can impact those larger causes).
Why Do Jack Canfield, Seth Godin, and Other Top Marketers, Business Innovators, Social Media Mavens, and Green/Social Change Business Leaders Love Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World? Why did Frances Moore Lappé (Diet for a Small Planet and many other books on food and democracy), Cynthia Kersey (Unstoppable/Unstoppable Women), Ken McArthur (The Impact Factor), and Yanik Silver (Evolved Enterprise) contribute guest essays?
Because it’s a book that can change not only the way we do business, but the way the world works.
(Business Network International)