ESG Profitablity Consulting

“In the more than two decades I’ve known Shel Horowitz, I’ve always been impressed not just by his holistic perspective but by his ability to discover opportunities and solutions where others only see crises. I love the way he shows the business world how they can thrive by creating and marketing solutions to things like hunger, racism, and even climate change and war. And I love the way he encourages business people, activists, nonprofits, and government agencies to come out of their silos and work together. ”

 -Joanne Comerford State Senator,  
Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester District of Massachusetts

“When he did a consult for me, Shel proved that his knowledge about the environment and about strategic marketing is wide and deep. He has an uncanny ability to match disparate ideas with actionable insights. Throw in his generous and very personable nature, and you have a winning trifecta. 

If you are in the green, activist, or social justice spaces, I highly recommend him as your ‘personal unfair advantage’.  He does not disappoint, you will be blown away AND you will be pointed in a much better direction.”

 Charlene Norman
Chief Empathy Officer & Truth Teller,
Good Stewardship; Lasting Impact


Are you leaving money on the table because you don’t really know who your best customers are and how to motivate them (and people like them)? If you’ve had a good experience working with someone and then discover they can help with a different problem, you go with the one that did you right. Can you be that person for others and bring in new projects for zero marketing cost? Could you harness your green and social equity commitments to get more business and more referrals from existing clients?   


Shel can help you… 

Determine why people buy from you: What “special sauce” makes them choose you? You might be shocked at the answers—and that might really shift your marketing.

Develop and introduce new products and services that harness your strengths and create more reasons to do business together.

Help you identify other people who need the same thing.

Look for synergies in other markets facing similar needs—and retool your marketing with messages that energize these brand-new markets.


The hand of a group of businessmen holding chess and putting pieces in place


Environmental/Social/Governance isn’t just the right thing. Done correctly, it creates vast marketing opportunities! Show how your company benefits the planet and its people—and reap the rewards! 

The hand of a group of businessmen holding chess and putting pieces in place


Hire Shel Horowitz for Marketing Consulting and Copywriting


Success comes easier when you work with others. Harness partners’ strengths to create something bigger together.

Shel will help you figure out:

In whose interest is your success?

How can you reach out to them?

Who else should be brought into the partnership?

Create external partnerships with complementary
businesses—in your own industry and elsewhere

Partner strategically with others whoalready reach your market or have complementary skills and capabilities. Partner with people and organizations who can recommend you to their audience, expand your base, and lower your costs while increasing your revenues—just as the US Postal Service partners with FedEx (REAL example). 

Online marketing masters organize joint ventures (JVs). Community organizers build coalitions. Nonprofits/NGOs and government agencies form public-private collaborations and embrace cause-related marketing. Why? Because they WORK. In any sector. 

Internal partnerships break down the silos to harness expertise you've already paid for

Get people in different departments out of their silos! Marketing, Sales, and Engineering can all brainstorm together. Academics gather in interdisciplinary teams. 

In short, we can harness the power and synergy of all this expertise to solve even the most stubborn problems. 

Internationally acclaimed author and green/social entrepreneurship profitability consultant Shel Horowitz can help you create these partnerships.

Let Shel help you:

“Shel Horowitz is one of the country's most respected and influential evangelists for earning more money by doing the right thing. Aligning your business and your civic activism…a sherpa for those seeking to grow their businesses and their social conscience.”

Dean Rotbart, “The Dean of Reputation,” Monday Morning Radio



Could YOU write a book (or pamphlet) that changes the world?

What Shel's Book Shepherding Clients Say

  • Are you a social entrepreneur? 

  • Do you sell a product or service that MORE people need to know about because it makes a significant positive impact? 

  • Have you considered building your business, your personal brand, and your social/environmental commitments by writing a book? 

Books have been changing the world for at least 3600 years—and are still changing the world today. I am Malala (Malala Yousafzai) shared the teenage author’s experience as an advocate for girls’ education in rural Pakistan, a survivor of a shooting by religious extremist terrorists, and the youngest person ever to win a Nobel Prize.  It inspired millions around the world and helped fund her international foundation. Caste, The Shock Doctrine, White Fragility, Cradle to Cradle, The Sixth Extinction, and Nickel and Dimed are a few recent books that changed the way we think. 20th-century examples include Silent Spring, The Population Bomb, In Search of Excellence, Letter from Birmingham Jail, Diet for a Small Planet… 

Dozens of entrepreneurs have also written books that changed the world AND created a new success path for their business. Examples include The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid (C.K. Prahalad, founder of several companies including The Next Practice), Lean In (Sheryl Sandberg, recently retired COO of Facebook/Meta), The Long Tail (Chris Anderson, co-founder/CEO of 3D Robotics), Natural Capitalism (Amory Lovins, founder of Rocky Mountain Institute; Hunter Lovins, President of Natural Capitalism Solutions; Paul Hawken, founder of Erewhon and Smith & Hawken). They’ve leveraged their books to skyrocket profitability, increase their recognition and build their brand, and spread their important ideas! 

And a book can move more than just its readers. As an author, doors open to you for more speaking engagements, more media interviews, more followers on social networks—and thus, more visibility, credibility, revenue, and profits. Your ideas spread while your revenues grow. 

Your book can be a world-changer even if it’s not a chart-topper—reaching the RIGHT people can create bigger change than reaching the MOST people. Gene Sharp’s books inspired nonviolent revolutions like the Arab Spring. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid and Business Solution to Poverty (Paul Polak and Mal Warwick) are re-inventing international development to focus on profitable products that serve the economic bottom; James Lovelock’s Gaia Theory and successor books changed the whole way we look at our planet and how we fit into it).  

Busy Business Leaders with a Message: Get Your Book Done with Peer Support!
Participate in the Write and Market a Book to Change the World and Grow Your Business Masterclass

  • Learn writing and research strategies 

  • Understand how the publishing industry works 

  • Choose the book publishing model (traditional, true self-publishing, subsidy, etc.) that makes sense for you 

  • Find the help you need to make it real, publishable, and marketable—choosing the right editors, printers, ghostwriters or writing coaches, indexers, designers, marketing partners, and more 

  • Create Awareness…Action…and GLOBAL CHANGE!

  • Be part of a shared, supportive journey as one of 6 to 10 business leaders writing change-the-world books—in just six sessions of an hour every two weeks

Your instructor, Shel Horowitz,
is uniquely qualified to help you do your change-the-world book

(click to discover why)

About Shel Horowitz

  • Sole or primary author of ten books—seven of which have won at least one award and/or been translated and republished in other countries. Four on visioning/building/marketing green and social change companies, one on book marketing, three on general small-business marketing, and two on other subjects.

  • Book shepherd to authors whose books help change the world

  • Experience publishing with major presses John Wiley & Sons and Simon & Schuster as well as several prominent publishing houses in Europe, Asia, and Latin America; smaller presses including environment/social change-focused Chelsea Green, entrepreneur-focused Morgan James, and general nonfiction publisher Stackpole; true self-publishing; subsidy publishing

  • Trained in journalism and very experienced in creating narratives that help an organization look good; decades as a “story-behind-the-story” press release and book cover writer; 14 years as house reporter profiling hundreds of speakers at the UMass Family Business Center; former regular contributor to Fast Company and Business Ethics Magazine; publishing-industry trade magazines including Independent Book Publishers Association (f/k/a Publishers Marketing Association) Independent, Independent Publisher Magazine, Foreword Magazine; published thousands of articles and blog posts in media including, Writer’s Digest, The Writer, In Business, many daily newspapers including the Washington Post and Boston Globe, and his own channels.
  • Course Outline (click for more details) 

    Session 1: Your Story, Your Message, Your Power 
    Session 2: Eating the Elephant a Bite at a Time: Making the Project Manageable 
    Session 3: Research and Writing 
    Session 4: Unleashing Your Muse/Drinking from the Firehose 
    Session 5: Publishing Paths and Choices/Navigating the Right Path 
    Session 6: Marketing: Building Your Audience and Your Momentum

    Extra Benefits 

    Four different resources to help you get your book done better, faster, and easier. Recordings and transcripts. A private LinkedIn community. Even a half-hour private consult to discuss your vision and mission with your instructor, Shel Horowitz

    You’re leading a successful world-changing business and you want to tell the world about your work. Isn’t it time you finally wrote that book? But how will you ever fit that into your busy day? 

    It’s a lot easier to share that journey with others cheering you on. How could you benefit from Shel Horowitz’s Write and Market a Book to Change the World and Grow Your Business Masterclass? In just six one-hour sessions—once every two weeks, giving you enough time to assimilate and work on your project but not such a long gap that you lose focus—your group of at least six and no more than ten current or retired business leaders will learn and practice the key elements of writing and marketing—and begin to shape your thoughts into a publishable and marketable book that could create Awareness…Action…and GLOBAL CHANGE! 

    Remember Margaret Mead’s famous comment that a small group of committed people is the only thing that ever changes the world? One thing she left out is what inspires that small group of activists—and often, it’s a book.  

    Would there be an environmental movement without Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring or E.F. Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful? Would the US have abolished open slavery without Uncle Tom’s Cabin or the writings of Frederick Douglass and the transcribed speeches of Sojourner Truth? Would Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism even exist without the Five Books of Moses, the Four Gospels, the Quran, the Dharma, and the Bhagavad Gita? Would the United States, Russia, and China even have their present form without the Constitution, Common Sense, and The Federalist Papers (US); The Communist Manifesto (Russia),and Quotations from Chairman Mao (Mao’sLittle Red Book) (China)?  

    OK, so in our own century, it’s harder to stand out in the noise. But books still carry great influence. Think about Malcolm Gladwell and Brené Brown in the business world, critiques of injustice from writers like Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors and Rebecca Solnit, blueprints for personal growth like Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer’s The Success Principles and Vishen Lakhiani’s The Code of the Extraordinary Mind… Perhaps you also have a message that could change the world—and this six-session mastermind can help you create a book around that message. 

    Session 1 will be almost entirely interactive. Later sessions will include both interactive and presentation components. 

    Introductions/ strengths/goals. Group brainstorming for each participant. NOTE: For groups of eight to ten, this first session will be 90 minutes instead of 60 so everyone has time to share and get feedback. 

    6 basic methods and 18 work habits to write a book—which ones make sense for you? 

    How to approach interview sources, evaluate published resources for quality, and keep track of them for endnotes and permission. 


    Making friends with your muse and five ways to beat writer’s block 

    Five primary paths to publishing: advantages and disadvantages of each and how they match against YOUR strengths and weaknesses 

    How to find your tribe, become known to them as an expert, and spiral out from there. How to use your book to support other parts of your business such as speaking and consulting (and vice-versa) 


    • Ongoing peer support through a private LinkedIn community just for people who go through this program—a place where you can ask questions and share experiences not just with your own cohort but with those who take the program at a different time 
    • Recordings and rough (machine-generated) transcripts of each session, so you can listen over and over 
    • Five Paths to Publishing PowerPoint: advantages, drawbacks, and when to choose each path 
    • On completion of the class, a 30-minute private consult with Shel to help you think about next steps in writing and marketing your book 
    • Contact information for all group members who consent and provide their own information, to facilitate 1:1 networking and co-marketing 
    • An Excel template for tracking any resource you want to include that someone else created (this will vastly simplify organizing your reference citations and getting permission to use that material) 
    • Book publishing checklist (especially if you self-publish but useful in all publishing models—the steps you need to go from raw manuscript to finished, well-published book) 
    • Powerful research skill: how to craft a great search engine query 



    Working One-to-One

    If the mastermind group isn’t right for you at this moment, Shel will work with you one-on one to help you create and market a terrific book. Some of the things he might help you with: 

    • Evaluate your manuscript for marketability 
    • Edit for smoothness, conciseness, and clarity 
    • Locate a suitable co-author or ghostwriter, reputable vendors, marketing partners, and more 
    • Determine which path to publishing is best for you; each of these is right for certain books and wrong for others 
      • Traditional publishing: a publisher pays you to publish your book. If you choose that path, Shel can prepare a professional book proposal for submission to agents and publishers (for traditional publishing), or 
      • True self-publishing: if you choose this path, Shel will walk you through the complicated labyrinth of successful self-publishing and find you the best suppliers and vendors who can provide top-quality editorial, design, and production services at reasonable prices, or 
      • Subsidy publishing: you pay a publisher, who supplies you with an ISBN, cover and interior layout, and digital on-demand (or, in rare cases, offset) printing. If you choose to subsidy-publish, Shel will make sure you understand exactly what the publisher will and won’t do, and that you have appropriate markets in place for this choice to make sense. 
    • Design an individual marketing strategy for your book that harnesses low-cost/no-cost methods from partnerships to highlighting your expertise to free publicity, and write the materials to carry it out, both online and offline—all specifically designed for your message, your skills and interests, and your audience 
    • Smooth the way to locate Joint Venture and/or commissioned affiliate partners who can take your book to markets you couldn’t reach on your own 
    • Assist you in connecting with special markets, such as foreign publishers, book clubs, corporations and organizations that might buy in bulk 
    • Help you approach distributors and wholesalers, bookstore buyers, reviewers, and other trade professionals 
    • Help you think about sequels, other formats, licensing, and other spin-offs

    Shel lets you decide how much of his time you need. You can buy a single affordable hour of consulting time…or you can have Shel coordinate the job from start to finish, taking anything from rough notes to final manuscript and turning it into a book that stands proudly in the marketplace. 

    In one major project, Shel edited the manuscript…helped the author choose to start his own publishing company…found him affordable and effective vendors…registered the book and publisher with Books In Print and the Library of Congress…prepared marketing letters for reviewers, book clubs, foreign rights, and bulk special sales…vetted the author’s choice of vendors for publicity and other outside services…wrote text for the advance-review and final covers…prepared two different marketing plans…secured endorsements…and provided extensive consulting on the publishing and marketing processes. 

    At the other extreme, Shel provided a 60-minute phone consultation on the best options for publishing a book; that was all the client wanted, and that was fine. 

    Get your monthly Clean and Green Club Newsletter at no cost—and cool bonuses, too!

    Seven Weeks to a Greener Business – Once a week for seven weeks, you’ll receive an action-oriented article with tips for greener printing, energy saving, waste reduction, water conservation, transportation, going deep-green, and concluding with green marketing. You’ll also get a subscription to Shel’s award-winning monthly Clean and Green Club Newsletter, one of the longest-running marketing newsletters online, published under various names since 1997.
    FREE BONUS GIFT: We’ll also send you Shel’s “Seven Tips to Gain Marketing Traction as a Green Guerrilla”